If Black Lives Matter Plaza was considered too ‘divisive,’ should the same standard apply to statues of leaders who upheld slavery and genocide? Where should we draw the line?

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Yes, it does matter. I’m 72. I was raised in the 50s were segregation was very much alive. I lived in Orange County John Bird Society another form of KKK

( so they mask it publicly so you can’t really know what it is.)

I was seeing signs that said . WHITES ONLY. We were at Woolworth in Santa Ana, California, where we used to sit down and eat at the counter, and African-Americans came while we were sitting there and we would talk with them, and then the police came in and took them out .

All the officer said was keep quiet if you know what’s good for you and I just sat there and looked at him very confused, and my mother put her head down, even though she look more white than Mexican than I do. All I’ve known is that I’ve had to work hard have double degrees. To attain the same thing as a (excuse, my language here a white individual.)

I thought we were all past this and it saddens me to see that under this current administration


my friends, voted for Trump. I don’t tell them I told you so. They are suffering also.. they’ve asked me what we can do? I suggest, town hall meetings . After all on March 15, Congress will go on vacation. This is a good time to have Townhall meetings in our cities.. we’re all frazzled. Overwhelmed.. but the important part is to be civil with each other.. what affects one affects all.

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Some argue that removing the plaza is just a city planning decision, while others see it as an erasure of racial justice history. Where do you stand on this?

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It’s erasure of racial justice history. It’s such a harmful and blatant attack on black peoples and their allies. I’m embarrassed to say; it really scared me today to see the pictures of the removal. The right wing thinks reverse racism is real. I know they feel victimized by the statement that Black Lives Matter. I think those deeply held beliefs come from fear of black people and racism.

I’m looking to those who are steeped in the history of the oppressed, law, politics, economics and know best how to respond to injustice, xenophobia, homophobia, and the other ills plaguing our society. My heart hurts because I feel almost powerless to stop the injustice.

Then I remember our boycotts are taking down Target and Walmart. Then I remember how hard our hero’s had to fight to get us here. Then I realize it’s OK to be afraid, as long as I use that fear productively.♥️

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Why not leave the plaza there. It’s a statement of Hope for the rest of us. It doesn’t matter what color we are what race, or creed nor our beliefs. It’s a black eye to this current administration that’s why they want it torn down.. they will never give you a direct answer. But they will always side step because they can’t face the truth. Education is key. Talk to the students teach him what’s going on show them so they learn and make them wise. So when the time comes for voting, they will look up the histories of these individuals that want to run our city,state or country.

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I understand the mayor's point, however, the timing makes me think otherwise.

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Exactly. Cause this current administration it’s a blackeye for them. They want to erase all the bad things they’ve done believe me being 72 you’ve seen a lot and there’s others that I’ve seen so much then I have.

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The gaslighting about concerns over divisive symbols is staggering (nothing was said about recent nazi salutes, and their whole plan over the last several decades has been to divide us, and yes, these confederate statues have been symbols of our biggest division ever). This regime doesn’t know how to create, only destroy…where does it end?

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Denying reality, yet again. White people, myself included, need to learn to sit with the discomfort and reality of racism. We can pave over the Black Lives Matter monument, but the truth is still there, under the layers of denial. Cut DEI and critical race theory, but the truth is still there. Deny trans rights, but the truth is still there. When will we be brave enough to face the messy, complicated truth? That’s where the real progress begins.

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This makes me so sad. I'm thoroughly pissed off and frustrated, too, but mostly sad.

Who the heck are we?

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We cannot become a transactional country, where a mayor succumbs to financial bullying/blackmail resulting in making a despicable decision that supports white supremacy and continues its legacy of minimizing, marginalizing, making invisible people who have every right to equal treatment under our Constitution. This current regime of white supremacist robber barons must be stopped.

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This is horrific. Rep Andrew Clyde’s behavior is entirely unconscionable, introducing legislation threatening to strip Washington, D.C. of millions in federal funding unless the Black Lives Matter mural was erased and the plaza renamed. Who does he think he is?! It looks like we have to be from Georgia to write to him, but any of us can call his office to voice our dissent, using the info in this link: https://clyde.house.gov/contact/offices.htm

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Why? Because Black lives don’t matter.

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Truly deplorable

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It never ceases to amaze me the blatant things we don't pay any attention to, i.e., all the statues you talked about in this piece. The one of Columbus made me throw up a little in my mouth. The erasure of BLM Plaza doesn't surprise me. If you are not a white, cisgender straight male, you are not welcome in their world. But their world is coming to an end. We'll paint it back, take the statues down and replace them with American heroes of all races and genders, and finally get back to the business of moving our country forward.

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